Q: What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
A: We use Square for payment and the following cards are supported: American Express, Visa, Mastercard, and JCB. All payments must be made by above.
Q: How do I check the status of my order?
A: Registered customers can view information about a particular order by logging in and clicking 'Order Tracking' under the Account icon, then clicking on the order number. Orders can also be located by searching by order number or date range. Customers who placed a guest order (without registering) can access their order by entering the order number and the phone number that was on the order. After accessing the order, you can click the tracking number to track the delivery.
Q: How do I cancel an order?
A: We begin to process your order as soon as you click, "Place Your Order" on our "Review & Place Your Order" page. After we start processing your order, it may be possible to cancel it before it moves to the status of "In the Warehouse." At that time, it no longer can be canceled. If you decide that you no longer want to receive the order and it is too late to cancel it, you can simply refuse the order upon delivery or return any unwanted items. Please see the Return Policy for associated guidelines.
To cancel your order during the order process:
● Sign in to your account
● Go to Order Tracking, under the Account icon
● Click the order number to see the order details
If it is possible to cancel your order, a "Cancel" button will be displayed on the Order Details page. If the "Cancel" button does not appear, it means that the order cannot be canceled and it will need to be refused at the time of delivery.
Returns, Refunds & Exchanges
Q: Will the delivery charge be refunded if I return my whole order?
A: If the product is returned and exchanged due to our product, we will give a full refund (including shipping costs); if the product is returned due to your reasons, we will also refund the full amount, but will NOT refund the shipping cost to you.
Q: When will the refund appear in my bank account?
A: Refunds generally appear within 1-2 business days. The timeframe is dependent on the issuing institution not on Raleeyrug.com.
About Products
Q: Why is there a little difference between the received product and the picture?
A: Due to scanning, shooting, and other reasons, there is a slight color difference between the actual product and the picture. Since the carpet is soft and has a certain degree of stretchability, there may be an error of 1-3 cm. If you cannot accept it, it is not recommended that you buy it.
Q: Why doesn't the received blanket look fluffy and soft?
A: It is squeezed due to folding and packaging, the carpet will feel less fluffy when received, but you only need to shake the carpet, it can be fluffy again.
Q: What products do you sell?
A: We provide carpets commonly used in home decoration. Here you can find the products you want in different categories. Our main products are plush carpets, doormats, and large area carpets. As you can see on Raleeyrug.com, all products are carefully selected by us. We can assure you that all products displayed on the website are of high quality.
Q: How Do you Recommend Cleaning The Rug?
A: We recommend professional cleaners for our rugs.
Q: How Do I Choose The Most Appropriate Rug Size For My Space?
A: To choose the most appropriate rug size for your space, please measure your complete furniture set-up and refer to our Size and Fitting Guide accessible online.
Q: How do you clean your rug?
A: In order to preserve the rug, we recommend the following advice:
● Vacuum frequently
● Treat stains as quickly as possible before they dry
● Take the rug to a specialized dry cleaner only if necessary